While pondering those specific memories of my grandparents I found myself in a bit of a quandary. I was & have been trying to come up with a definition of what life is.
As I've thought through it over the last 2 weeks it seems like life is primarily a formation of events that make a lasting impact. Positive & negative memories that in a way seer into the memory. But that's life from a reflective view. On a day to day basis life consists of all the involvements that people have.
There has to be more then that though. At least, I really hope that there is more to life then those simplistic realities.
As I write this I'm going to look at & list a bunch of definitions of what life is from many religions, after the jump as usual.
The first definition is the standard scientific view: "a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have signaling and self-sustaining processes from those that do not"
From Hinduism: "Along with the need for being disciplined and just, it also recognizes the need for the individual to pursue wealth and joy in life. This is the core concept of the purushArtha which means "meaning of life" or essence of life. There are four purushArthas or the things to seek for in one's life. They are dharma, artha, kama, moksha. That is virtue, wealth, joy and liberation. You do not need to keep worrying all your lifetime about the discipline and keep fearing about life after death. There is more to it in life and Hinduism fully supports you to pursue them along with virtue and God. You do not lose out either here or there."
From Buddhism: "the primary purpose of life is to end suffering"
Judaism: "the meaning of life is to elevate life, both in this world and in the world to come"
Islam: "man's ultimate life objective is to worship the creator Allah (God) by abiding by the Divine guidelines revealed in the Qur'an and the Tradition of the Prophet. Earthly life is merely a test, determining one's afterlife, either in Jannat (Paradise) or in Jahannam (Hell)"
Christianity: "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever". God requires one to obey the revealed moral law saying: "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself". The Baltimore Catechism answers the question "Why did God make you?" by saying "God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven."
I guess thats it then. Hadn't expected to have anything that came across with finality, most just intended to think about it through this post. Admittedly I have a bias but the Christian definition seems the most accurate of all that I listed here.
To expand on these & see more definitions follow this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meaning_of_life
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