We are so rusted over by the value that we have placed on money, medicine, buildings, etc. But walking by faith will help us shed this rust and really learn who God is. I'll be honest, it's not going to be easy to start going in a direction that can so often be over looked and will not look good. Sort of like a narrow road and small gate which doesn't look appealing at all but in reality is the only direct way to the achievement of all that God has in mind for us.
It's easy to get confused about the direction, I have many times, but even in the "mistakes" God is still in control. I don't like church words but the Omni's are actually true about God.
Omnipotent - almighty or infinite in power
Omniscient - having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, orunderstanding; perceiving all things.
I may be wrong, but by believing that those are true of God yet not believing that He has our paths set is kind of a contradiction. Add in His Mercy and Faithfulness and the blend is pretty awesome. That's a pretty basic statement, but think about it, God - the unchanging one - is all the characteristics that we talk about Him as all at once, PERFECTLY! I don't claim to be amongst the worlds smartest minds, but I definitely don't get how that works but I love it! It also very much encourages me, like a kick in the pants, to walk after Him in the way that He has instructed us to. What are those instructions? Well Jesus boiled the ten down to 2.
Matthew 22:36 “[Jesus], which is the great commandment in the law?” And he said to him, ’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”
How does that look for us though? I admit that I don't have the first one very well practiced yet but I am seeking after God for it. To be sure these are both rare things even in our "Christian" sub-culture, but it would look like the first church as recorded in Acts. I struggle mightily with loving God that way. But there isn't wiggle room in those words, all.
I am getting better with the second. I still don't see it a great deal in the world that we live in because we want to have our securities - a nice bank account, an even nicer car, a beautiful house with all the best furnishings, health insurance. Basically we get as much stuff as we can so that we can depend on God as little as possible and even when we have all that stuff we refuse to share/share so meagerly that it's almost a slap in the face of the provider.
I am not there, but one day I would love to be known as one who loves his neighbors as Himself. I give away as much as I keep/use for myself. I don't want to have anything if it means someone else has to miss out on something. This doesn't even make sense to me as I think about it, but that is how I have always operated. I can be generous to a fault but I walk it out and know that God won't leave me lacking for what I need. My wants aren't His concern, thought He often provides for them anyway, but He will always take care of what I need and it will work out in the best imaginable way.
So I walk, often feeling blind but trusting Him. Things will work out for the best that way. Don't like it, well thats not my problem because I am following God.
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