Well there's the ramblings for now.
So I should probably do an update to this, because I real feel like there are some things that have changed for me since I posted this.
As I have continued to pray for my sisters in Christ I have become increasingly aware and bothered by how the female gender is so often treated like meat. I haven't prayed into this specifically, but just as a by product of the prayers my concern for the female gender has gone up. More than ever before it really makes me sad that they feel they have to flaunt their bodies to get affection and attention. This is very true in the secular realm, but I've heard similar things within the churched community.
Now I don't like generalizing because it is a sensitive topic, but we should seek to get our attention and comfort from God. It's not easy, it's actually pretty difficult and takes a significant amount of spiritual maturity but when that level is reached it makes all the old ways fade away.
I pray that the females of America would know the unconditional love and acceptance that Christ offers to them in a genuine way. As a relationship and not as a religion. I also pray that the real men of this nation, though few, would continue or begin to lift up their counter parts in the church in prayer and encouragement and in other godly ways.
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