Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Off the List

Since my Sophomore year of high school I've steadily grown in my love for sports. Never liked them when I was young but now being a fan ranks among my highest interests. Growing up in ND there are no top level pro teams so when I started getting into sports I looked across the river & down the interstate to the Twin Cities teams.
At this point & for the last few years the Vikes have ranked at the top of the list. If I were to take a guess as to why Football in general is my favorite, the reason is simple - Fantasy. But as I've grown as a fan and been living down here I've really wanted to visit training camp. Well this time last summer the NFL was just trying to figure out if they were going to have a season. They did but it started late so that didn't work.
Obviously I know I will be leaving in a month so training camp is the only opportunity I have to get some live Vikings experience this year. So on Friday during work I realized that I didn't have to work on Saturday & that there was going to be a night practice on Saturday so I made the decision to drive to Mankato for the majority of Saturday.
The whole story plus pictures after the jump.
I decided to include my favorite picture up here too 


So let me start by doing an intro to my intro. I have three posts stirring on my heart right now & will do my best to keep them separate but may intertwine 2 of them. If I do make some connections between them I hope that they make sense! Comments would be appreciated!
What I am going to address here is what I consider a flaw in thought that I've heard many times, sometimes from people I respect & agree with, more often with people that I don't, so I dismiss it. But I keep hearing people talk about people who believe in Jesus...claim to, only God knows the heart but actions do reveal much, but are still going to hell.
I will go into more detail after the jump

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The new age, sort of

As with all my posts, I like to monitor reader counts so I always insert the jump. This is just a little blurb about a couple steps into the modern world that I've recently taken.