Sunday, May 27, 2012

Revival Praying by Leonard Ravenhill

I did a more brief summary about this called "book 2" because I just couldn't seem to find the time to read and get on my computer to get a summary for each chapter.
In the future I will reread the book and finish this post, for now I've done what I can with it.

Book 2

It took longer than I wanted to read my second book of the summer, "Revival Praying". Partly because I have been so busy, but also because I tried to do summaries for every chapter and that didn't work to well in the time crunch. I found the book at a local Christian bookstore that is going out to business so I got it for a couple bucks. I plan to read it again and mark it up, but won't try to do a summery type thing in such a short period of time.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tom's Tale

So in wanting to get some more detail and a different perspective on the marathon I asked Tom to do a short write up of how it went and just some first hand details of the run. I also got a copy of the race course and his stat sheet so those are below the fold too.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On a Mission

So let me just begin by saying another thank you to my older brother Tom for spending so much time in training just help me get to fully funded for Kenya. I really appreciate it brother!
I also need to thank my dad and mom for putting so much effort into spreading the word about the marathon but also about my internship as a whole.
Last, but certainly not least I want to thank everyone who so generously has given toward this mission. Estimates right now leave the amount raised from the marathon at more then $5,500. Considering the goal was $2,600, this is super humbling. Thank you all.
Before I get to the photos and a synopsis of race day I wanted to drop a semi - fitting song into post. It's a rap so if that's not your type of music just skip over and hit the link!

One great shift

It's taken me longer then I would have liked to get this post up, but with my work schedule and the marathon over the weekend I really haven't had much time to keep you all up to speed.
Last Sunday, the 13th, was possibly the most rewarding shift of work I have ever had. If you want to know the details, hit the link!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Summer Movie Review

By no means do I want this to say that I'm gonna go movie crazy this summer, but it is a time for many of the biggest and best movies to get released during the year so I figure I would give some space on here for the new ones that I do see.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The greatest news of the year

So my title is a little bit exaggerated but today is certainly a special day for me and for many others.

Wanna know? Take the jump.