Saturday, April 28, 2012

Book worm? Maybe.

In trying to come up with some ideas for things to do this summer and also being in the process of transporting my possessions I had a thought. It may not be feasible but it's possible. With all the books that I have acquired lately I figured it's about time to starting reading them.
I've read some but most haven't even been opened so they are definitely a waste of space to me right now. Well, to resolve that I think I'm going to try to read a book a week.
I won't have a lot of time this summer to do nothing, but in my down times it would be much more valuable then watching movies or just wandering around doing nothing and wasting gas/time.

It's a wrap

Two years. Two years more of training that have come and gone. Two years of building relationships and learning about my Savior. Two years of the highest highs (yet) and the lowest lows (yet). Two years come and gone that are now complete.
It's a wonder, time goes by so quickly, seems to be speeding up week by week and month by month, maybe we're getting closer to the end. For now, I am at the end of one season and entering the page turn into a new one. From formal classroom time to the mission field. I'm hoping it is the most exciting page turn time yet.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I had to think a lot about this one. The world that we live in is earnestly attempting to reshape the definition of this word. It is and has been the initial group of relationships between people connected through their genetics.
But the Western World is really trying to change that. People can have children together and not have any level of commitment to each other.
Even when people feel enough affection for each other when the relationship becomes to much sacrifice they or just one decides to end it.
More than that, "family" can be used to label things that are termed as abominable in the Scriptures.
It's really irritating to me because God established the family. His father heart breaks to see so many things that masquerade as family. It goes beyond that though, Love has been undermined. Sin is like the ultimate taboo word. You can't actually tell others that they are wrong for what they do. But we're supposed to, in God's timing and with His words.
I'll keep writing after the jump.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Internship Q&A

I was contacted with an idea to put together a form to answer questions that people may have and give more information about the internship. To that end I've attached a form to this that answers all the questions I was asked. If any of you has questions that you would like answered feel free to contact me. I may not know the answer right now, but I will do my best to get the answers. I've included this in a mass email but will post it up here for more diverse communication.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Number 3 or Chains being broken

Continuing in the end of year wrap theme that I've had going on lately I had another post worthy happening.
This one is pretty personal. I had a major revelation of it about two months ago and had a reminder on Friday. The specific topic is how fortunate I was to grow up in the family that I did. To have the parents that I have, brothers that I've had and now sisters that I do too. Grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins too.
It shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to me considering how the fundraising process has gone for me. But just with maturing I have seen much more clearly how fortunate I am for everything.